Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weigh In/Birthday/Post Thanksgiving Weigh In

Thanksgiving was awesome as always.  I look forward to it every year.  Luckily this year I didn't "overeat" and feel disgusting afterwards. 

Monday November 26th was my 38th birthday.  That officially marks 2 years before I turn 40.  2 years......before the big 4-0!  It's going to fly by.  I have giving myself ample time to get back into ONEderland. 

I weighed in and loss 0.7 lbs.....yeah, yeah, I know, most people don't even log that as a loss since it wasn't even a full pound.  I log it as a loss because luckily for me, I didn't gain anything during this holiday weekend.....normally I would have gained.

I start another weight loss challenge on Monday December 3rd.  This time I want to be the big-money winner! I want that $120 bucks in MY pocket. 

I better get to moving my ass more if I want that money.

1291162291513 Shakira Shakin it is mesmerizing (GIFS)  

If only I had Shakira's body.  ((Guess that should be a motivation to move, right?)) LoL


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weight Loss Politics.....whatever!

So I was in a weight loss challenge and I loss the MOST weight in the women's division........but i lost.

But I'm ok with it......really, I am.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the $120 bucks for the HIGHEST percentage of weight loss ((No one ever told me it went by percentage, dammit!)) But i walked away with $30 bucks. So it's money I didn't have, right!

The next challenge starts on December eldest sister & a close family friend have also joined it.  They're toast! If I don't win against anyone else, I BETTER top their loss!!!!

I better get my ass moving more & kick back on all the damn turkey tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I wanted fast food yesterday.

I felt I deserved it.

I got it.

I ate it.

I felt shitty.

I'm still paying for it with stomach pain today.

That's what I get!


Clint Eastwood disgusted

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A 9 lb loss. In a week.  I'm dumbfounded.  But happy.  12 lbs to date.


Sunday, November 11, 2012


I weighed myself on my home scale today.............I'm happy to announce that I didn't have to break it or chuck it out the window! I loss 5.6 lbs. Yippee!  **Doing the Dance of Joy!**

But...........................**cue scary music**

I have to weigh in tomorrow at HerbaLife because I decided to take a chance and join a Fitness Challenge.  **Mumbling** WTF was I thinking!! 

HerbaLife's scale has about a 3 lb difference than my scale.  I hate HerbaLife's scale for that reason. I feel like hitting it with a sledge hammer every time i step off of it!  Last time I was all jazzed with my 6 lb loss, then I stepped on their stupid scale and my jazziness flew out the damn window! 

I decided though that I'm going to track my scale's readings on website and I'll just keep a tally of their reads on a pad of paper.  I don't know how many Fitness Challenges I'll get into.  This is my first and may be my last.  So I prefer to just follow what one scale says.  My emotions can not handle two different reads.....

Until tomorrow.........**cue that scary music again please!**