Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weigh In/Birthday/Post Thanksgiving Weigh In

Thanksgiving was awesome as always.  I look forward to it every year.  Luckily this year I didn't "overeat" and feel disgusting afterwards. 

Monday November 26th was my 38th birthday.  That officially marks 2 years before I turn 40.  2 years......before the big 4-0!  It's going to fly by.  I have giving myself ample time to get back into ONEderland. 

I weighed in and loss 0.7 lbs.....yeah, yeah, I know, most people don't even log that as a loss since it wasn't even a full pound.  I log it as a loss because luckily for me, I didn't gain anything during this holiday weekend.....normally I would have gained.

I start another weight loss challenge on Monday December 3rd.  This time I want to be the big-money winner! I want that $120 bucks in MY pocket. 

I better get to moving my ass more if I want that money.

1291162291513 Shakira Shakin it is mesmerizing (GIFS)  

If only I had Shakira's body.  ((Guess that should be a motivation to move, right?)) LoL


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weight Loss Politics.....whatever!

So I was in a weight loss challenge and I loss the MOST weight in the women's division........but i lost.

But I'm ok with it......really, I am.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the $120 bucks for the HIGHEST percentage of weight loss ((No one ever told me it went by percentage, dammit!)) But i walked away with $30 bucks. So it's money I didn't have, right!

The next challenge starts on December eldest sister & a close family friend have also joined it.  They're toast! If I don't win against anyone else, I BETTER top their loss!!!!

I better get my ass moving more & kick back on all the damn turkey tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I wanted fast food yesterday.

I felt I deserved it.

I got it.

I ate it.

I felt shitty.

I'm still paying for it with stomach pain today.

That's what I get!


Clint Eastwood disgusted

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A 9 lb loss. In a week.  I'm dumbfounded.  But happy.  12 lbs to date.


Sunday, November 11, 2012


I weighed myself on my home scale today.............I'm happy to announce that I didn't have to break it or chuck it out the window! I loss 5.6 lbs. Yippee!  **Doing the Dance of Joy!**

But...........................**cue scary music**

I have to weigh in tomorrow at HerbaLife because I decided to take a chance and join a Fitness Challenge.  **Mumbling** WTF was I thinking!! 

HerbaLife's scale has about a 3 lb difference than my scale.  I hate HerbaLife's scale for that reason. I feel like hitting it with a sledge hammer every time i step off of it!  Last time I was all jazzed with my 6 lb loss, then I stepped on their stupid scale and my jazziness flew out the damn window! 

I decided though that I'm going to track my scale's readings on website and I'll just keep a tally of their reads on a pad of paper.  I don't know how many Fitness Challenges I'll get into.  This is my first and may be my last.  So I prefer to just follow what one scale says.  My emotions can not handle two different reads.....

Until tomorrow.........**cue that scary music again please!** 

Monday, October 29, 2012


I am NOT happy to report ....................

...................that I'm totally effin' sore!!

Motrin please!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Conquering Mt. Rubidoux

Mt. Rubidoux is located in Rubidoux, California which is right next to Riverside, California.

I've walked that Mountain plenty of times in the past year.  But since April, i haven't moved at all!!!  So it's no wonder that i walked up Mt. Rubidoux today and thought I was going to have a damn heart attack!! I had to stop 3 different times (all breaks were no more than 2 minutes) but I kept trucking & pushing and breathing hard! LoL. Damn, this was by far the hardest thing I've done in over 8 months!  But I'm glad i pushed myself and made myself do it.  I wanted to quit within the first 10 minutes and we hadn't even began the trek up the mountain!

I'm sure I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow and I'm sure I'm not going to want to walk at all tomorrow but at least I did it. One small victory for this woman, one giant leap towards losing this weight! (Ha! I know, that was corny! :) )

This is the view from the top of Mt. Rubidoux.

This is the cross that sits at the highest point of Mt. Rubidoux

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Here Goes Nothin!

Here we are.....

A month away from my 38th birthday.  Shocking.  Shocking because in my head, I still feel like I'm in my twenties......I know, as silly as that sounds I really do feel like I'm still in my twenties.  My body on the other hand, well....that's another story.

My body is that of a lazy, overweight, 30-something lady!!! I don't know WHO did this to my body! But if I ever find the culprit, I'm going to give them a piece a of my 20 year old mind!! ((LoL))

All jokes aside, I decided to document my journey because I feel I'm finally in a place "mentally" that I feel I WILL lose this damn weight once and for all! On November 26th I turn 38.  I know that's simple math but that's only 2 years away from 40!!!  I don't want to start my 40's the way i started my 30's and how I lived most of my 20's!!  Especially because I've read and heard from A LOT of people that it is SO hard to lose weight in your forties.  How true that is, I don't know....but I do know I don't want to take a chance and be stuck in this fat suit for the rest of my life. 

My official start date on this journey was October 15th, 2012.  I know I'm going to come across mental obstacles & physical pains but it's nothing I can't handle.  I've been through worst & anything I come across will just be a small price to pay for the big payoff, which is getting my life back and being able to fully enjoy it.  By fully enjoying it I mean being able to chase after my 4 year old and catching him.  Throwing the football around with my 3 older boys and not getting winded.  Being able to go for a bike ride and lasting more than 20 minutes! And, I'd be lying if i didn't say I want to be able to go into a regular size store and buy something off the rack that doesn't exceed size 13!!!  I don't want this for vanity or compliments, I want it simply so I can live this life as long as possible and as healthy as possible.  I don't want my boys having to take care of me when I'm older and I most definitely don't want to be someones burden one day. 

So I will be doing a weekly post to document my losses (or my cries if I don't lose lol), challenges or problems or whatever is on my crazy mind.  Hope you all will join me for this psycho circus I'm embarking on because I think it's gonna be one hell of a ride!