Monday, April 15, 2013

Weigh In #1

I started back at it, full force on Saturday April 6th.  I decided that I would weigh in on Mondays ((that way I knew I couldn't mess up on the weekends))

I should have taken a picture of it.....but I forgot.  I guess I'll have to start doing that next week since I already started eating breakfast.

I lost a total of 10 pounds for my first week! Yay! I know, I know.....before anyone says's probably just all water weight.  SO WHAT, it's a loss! Yay again!

Well.....just gotta keep truckin'.  I really don't want surgery.

I can do this!!!

I'll post again next week......not that I have any readers but for my own accountability.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

So........I've been thinking.....

I really don't want to have a WLS!!!  I can do this on my own.  I am the only one who controls me.  What's my fking problem!!!

I REFUSE to go down without a fight!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

And so it begins.......Again!

I'm so sick of being sick and tired! 

My own fault.  I jump on the wagon and I fall off the wagon. I hop back on and then throw myself off.  This time though, I face planted into pavement!

I went to a doctor appointment a few weeks back.  I hadn't been there in a couple of years.  I figured I might as well get all my ailments out there on the table and discuss them with my Doc.  After over an hour of speaking with the Resident Doctor, he went and discussed everything with my actual Doctor H. 

Doctor H comes in the room goes over everything briefly......and then he drops a bomb.  "I think you'd be an excellent candidate for Weight Loss Surgery!"  I think my face turned white! I got nervous all of the sudden and was at a loss for words.  All I could get out was, that's scares me.  Doctor H was quick to say there's different options, you don't have to have the Gastric Bypass. You need to go to the consult and talk with the doctor at least.

I've always felt I could lose this battle with the bulge on my own.  I didn't need to do anything drastic besides buckle down and get serious.  Unfortunately, my buckling down didn't have a safety lock! I fell off (the wagon) many times!!!

I still want to do this on my own.  Nothing feels more successful as saying I lost it all on my own!!!  I started back to it this past week.  After sitting in ER all night with my youngest son, I had a bad day of eating yesterday.  But I got back to it this morning. 

I'm giving it the last ol' college try!  I NEED to do this on my own.  No more f*cking around!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weigh In/Birthday/Post Thanksgiving Weigh In

Thanksgiving was awesome as always.  I look forward to it every year.  Luckily this year I didn't "overeat" and feel disgusting afterwards. 

Monday November 26th was my 38th birthday.  That officially marks 2 years before I turn 40.  2 years......before the big 4-0!  It's going to fly by.  I have giving myself ample time to get back into ONEderland. 

I weighed in and loss 0.7 lbs.....yeah, yeah, I know, most people don't even log that as a loss since it wasn't even a full pound.  I log it as a loss because luckily for me, I didn't gain anything during this holiday weekend.....normally I would have gained.

I start another weight loss challenge on Monday December 3rd.  This time I want to be the big-money winner! I want that $120 bucks in MY pocket. 

I better get to moving my ass more if I want that money.

1291162291513 Shakira Shakin it is mesmerizing (GIFS)  

If only I had Shakira's body.  ((Guess that should be a motivation to move, right?)) LoL


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weight Loss Politics.....whatever!

So I was in a weight loss challenge and I loss the MOST weight in the women's division........but i lost.

But I'm ok with it......really, I am.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the $120 bucks for the HIGHEST percentage of weight loss ((No one ever told me it went by percentage, dammit!)) But i walked away with $30 bucks. So it's money I didn't have, right!

The next challenge starts on December eldest sister & a close family friend have also joined it.  They're toast! If I don't win against anyone else, I BETTER top their loss!!!!

I better get my ass moving more & kick back on all the damn turkey tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I wanted fast food yesterday.

I felt I deserved it.

I got it.

I ate it.

I felt shitty.

I'm still paying for it with stomach pain today.

That's what I get!


Clint Eastwood disgusted

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A 9 lb loss. In a week.  I'm dumbfounded.  But happy.  12 lbs to date.